Maritime Archaeological Research on the Pulau Melaka Shipwreck


  • Amir Husaini Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia
  • Asyaari Muhamad Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia
  • Ruzairy Arby The National Heritage Department of Malaysia
  • Termizi Hasni The National Heritage Department of Malaysia
  • Fairus Mamat Melaka Museum Corporation



Malaysian Archaeology, Maritime Archaeology, Melaka, South-East Asia Archaeology, Reclaimed landscape


In late 2020, a group of independent researchers found a pile of wood believed to be part of the structure of a shipwreck in Pulau Melaka, Melaka. The discovery was reported to the Department of National Heritage and Melaka Museum Corporation, which saw Phase 1 and Phase 2 maritime archaeological studies carried out in 2021. The results of the field study revealed a shipwreck filled with various types of artifacts, such as Chinese ceramics and coins. Relative comparisons have identified that the estimated age of the shipwreck is contemporaneous with the transitional period between the Melaka Sultanate and the Portuguese occupation in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. This estimation was based on observations of the Ming porcelain and Melaka Sultanate coins found in the shipwreck. However, this archaeological study also raised several issues, namely the unsatisfactory condition of the artifact findings and difficulties encountered during the implementation of the field study. Therefore, the current article will elaborate on both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of archaeological excavations of the shipwreck site before discussing the findings and correlating them with the significance of this discovery for maritime archaeological studies.

Pada penghujung tahun 2020, sekumpulan pengkaji bebas telah menemukan tumpukan kayu yang diyakini merupakan sebahagian daripada struktur sebuah kapal di Pulau Melaka, Melaka. Penemuan ini kemudiannya dilaporkan kepada Jabatan Warisan Negara dan Perbadanan Muzium Melaka di mana kajian lapangan arkeologi maritim Fasa 1 dan Fasa 2 telah dilaksanakan oleh kedua-dua agensi tersebut pada tahun 2021. Hasil kajian lapangan arkeologi ini telah berjaya membongkar penemuan sebuah rangka kapal yang dipenuhi dengan pelbagai jenis artifak seperti seramik China dan duit syiling. Perbandingan relatif telah mengenalpasti bahawa anggaran usia kapal tersebut adalah sezaman dengan era peralihan Kesultanan Melaka dan Portugis iaitu sekitar penghujung kurun ke-15 hingga awal 16 Masihi. Anggaran ini dilakukan berdasarkan pemerhatian terhadap longgokan porselin Ming dan duit syiling Kesultanan Melaka di dalam struktur kapal tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun kajian arkeologi ini juga telah mendedahkan beberapa isu iaitu kondisi penemuan artifak yang kurang memuaskan serta kesukaran yang dihadapi semasa pelaksanaan kajian lapangan. Maka, artikel ini memperihalkan secara ringkas latar belakang penyelidikan ekskavasi arkeologi Fasa 1 dan Fasa 2 ke atas tapak kapal karam tersebut, sebelum membincangkan tentang hasil jumpaan arkeologi dan seterusnya mengaitkannya dengan isu serta kepentingan penemuan ini terhadap bidang arkeologi maritim Malaysia.

Author Biographies

Amir Husaini, Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia

Post-graduate student at the Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia

Asyaari Muhamad, Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia

Associate Professor and currently serve as the Head Director for the Institute of the Malay World and Civilization, National University of Malaysia

Ruzairy Arby, The National Heritage Department of Malaysia

Currently served as head director of the archaeology divisions at the The National Heritage Department of Malaysia.

Termizi Hasni, The National Heritage Department of Malaysia

Currently served as currator and head of the terrestial archaeology branch at the The National Heritage Department of Malaysia.

Fairus Mamat, Melaka Museum Corporation

Currently served as assistant currator at the Melaka Museum Corporation


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How to Cite

Saiffuddin, A. H. (2025) “Maritime Archaeological Research on the Pulau Melaka Shipwreck”, SPAFA Journal, 9, pp. 56–77. doi: 10.26721/spafajournal.a5prxbe5rm.



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