Geospatial Archaeology of Ulung Buayeh (crocodile mound): The Integration of Location, Landscape and Mound Effigies in Lundayeh Culture in Long Pasia and Long Mio | Geospatial Ulung Buayeh (crocodile mound): Pengintegrasian lokasi, landskap dan arkeologikal guar effigi warisan budaya etnik Lundayeh di Long Pasia dan Long Mio
Effigy mound, archaeology, geospatial, heritage, Ulung Buayeh, Long Pasia, Guar effigi, arkeologi, warisan budayaAbstract
This study focuses on the significance of Ulung Buayeh (Crocodile Mounds), ancient effigy mound sites which are the cultural heritage of the Lundayeh ethnic group. The researchers also examined the extent Ulung Buayeh as a catalyst for reinforcing land ownership and territorial expansion of the Lundayeh around 1700s (300 years ago). This article emphasizes the application of geospatial approach in identifying and analyzing Ulung Buayeh in the contexts of location, landscape, and heritage integration of the ancient earthen-effigy mound sites at Long Pasia and Long Mio in the district of Sipitang, Sabah, Malaysia. The surface mapping analysis through geographic information systems (GIS) produces a geospatial thematic map of Ulung Buayeh. Hence, the geospatial mapping of Ulung Buayeh can also be used as a spatial reference to promote Long Pasia as one of the archaeotourism destinations in the context of the conservation of the foremost ancient mound effigy site in Sabah and Malaysia.
Kajian ini memberi perhatian penuh terhadap signifikasi tapak purba guar effigi Ulung Buayeh (crocodile mound) yang menjadi warisan dan budaya kepada etnik Lundayeh. Penyelidik turut meneliti sejauhmana peranan tapak Ulung Buayeh ini menjadi pemangkin kepada pengukuhan pemilikan tanah dan perluasan wilayah etnik Lundayeh. Artikel ini memberi fokus kepada pengaplikasian pendekatan geospatial dalam mengenal pasti dan menganalisis Ulung Buayeh dalam konteks pengintegrasian lokasi, landskap dan warisan bagi tapak guar tanah purba ini di kampung Long Pasia dan kampung Long Mio di daerah Sipitang, Sabah, Malaysia. Analisis pemetaan permukaan (surface analysis) menerusi aplikasi (GIS) digunakan untuk menghasilkan peta tematik geospatial Ulung Buayeh. Pemetaan geospatial Ulung Buayeh yang terhasil juga boleh dijadikan sebagai sumber rujukan untuk mempromosi Long Pasia sebagai salah satu destinasi arkeopelancongan dalam konteks pemuliharaan tapak tradisi guar effigi purba yang terulung di Sabah dan Malaysia.

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